
عرض المشاركات من نوفمبر, 2022

The Body Building - Muscle Building Ultimate Guide To Exercise

The Muscle Building Method - The Ultimate Guide to Effective Exercise and Proper Nutrition   If you understand how to build muscle the right way, you will save a lot of time and effort, especially if you are a beginner. This is precisely what gives preference to some people who succeed in achieving their goals and obtaining a strong and attractive body, while others fail. Where the muscle building mechanism depends on several simple factors, if you can provide them, you can simply reach the body you dream of. To properly understand the mechanism of muscle building, imagine that you are a military commander, and there is a castle that was destroyed by an enemy attack. Isn't it logical to work to strengthen this castle? This example simply shows how muscles are strengthened and amplified. Where exercises cause minor damage to muscle tissue. Which the body considers as a clear sign that the muscles are under unprecedented pressure and must be strengthened to face possible pressures in...

Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension

Single Arm Overhead Tricep Extension Where you can perform it either from a standing or sitting position. Also you can use two hands or one hand. dumbbell seated overhead tricep extension What is the difference between using both hands or one hand? Using the hands: It means a greater ability to lift heavier weights, which may help you build more muscle mass. Using a dumbbell in each hand: This allows you to ensure that you don't train one hand more than the other, which in turn may help you prevent muscle imbalances. How to perform the exercise: Sit on a shoulder chair, or a flat bench. Hold one dumbbell in both hands. Make sure your elbows are close to your ears to avoid injury to the elbow joint. Lift the weight by straightening your arms together. Slowly lower back up to your upper back. one arm overhead dumbbell extension

Triceps Exercises - 10 Of The Most Powerful Exercises

Triceps Exercises Many bodybuilders throughout the ages have been accustomed to giving triceps exercises great importance. The triceps muscle makes up more than two-thirds of the upper arm. The triceps have always been an ally of many players on the Mr. Olympia stage. Phil Heath and Ronnie Coleman, for example, have won many awards for having better triceps than their competitors. Despite this, you may find triceps exercises marginalized by new players and amateurs. Perhaps because the triceps muscles do not appear in the mirror, that is why many people associate the size of the arm with the biceps muscle, as it is the most visible muscle,, or because the enlargement of the triceps muscle is stubborn and needs time and certain strategies. I don't know why, but I'm sure the triceps are very important. And if you want a huge and strong arm, you must take care of amplifying the triceps muscles well. Fortunately, there are many effective triceps exercises that may make this task ea...

56 Ways To Burn Belly Fat Faster

   56 Ways To Burn Belly Fat Faster      Getting rid of excess weight and fat accumulated in the stomach area is not easy, and sometimes a person may need a long time to regain his natural fitness and grace. According to fitwirr, there are a few simple things a person can do to make "a difference in belly fat in one week." He pointed out that there are two types of fat in the body, the first is under the skin, which is the fat that you can easily grab with your hand, and the second type is known as “visceral fat”, and it is located in the depths of the abdomen and surrounds the organs of the body, and it is associated with heart disease, high blood pressure and risks brain attack. Here are 56 Ways To Burn Belly Fat Faster: 1. exercises Fitwirr does not recommend following specific exercises that target the abdominal area, as this type of exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles, but does not help you lose weight. On the other hand, the source advised that the ...