Exercise Calendar - Intermediate level bodybuilding exercises schedule - to strengthen and build muscles

Exercise Calendar

The Intermediate Level Bodybuilding Workout Schedule is your first real step into the world of bodybuilding. At this point you see your muscles grow, your experience increase, and your body get stronger.

exercise calendar for beginners

Where the first months in the gym are a bit confusing due to the large amount of new terms, and the difficulty of performing the movements, whether due to weak muscles or lack of experience.

Anyway, you are now over all of this. Now it's time to see your muscles grow. Leave the beginner program and switch to an intermediate level bodybuilding workout schedule,, Are you ready??

Table description

Most of the training programs are based on the number of seven days of the week, the days of the week in this program are 5 days.

In this training program, you will train 4 consecutive days, then a rest day, repeat the process, and so on.

Training programs for beginners are concerned with training each muscle in the body individually, but in the mid-level bodybuilding exercises schedule, you will be charged with training three basic muscle groups.

The four days will be like this: 1- Pull-ups, 2- Abdominal and cardio exercises, 3- Push-ups, 4- Leg exercises.

Table layout

exercise calendar for beginners

The reason for planning the table in this way
Training each muscle group once every 4 days, which is more than the recommended limit for rest, as studies show that muscles need 2 to 3 days to recover.
Cardio exercises help in the process of building lean muscle without fat.
There is a separating day between pull-up exercises and leg exercises to avoid spinal injury due to pressure during two consecutive days.

The first day: pull-ups

Pull-up exercise notes

The back muscles will be trained with 3 compound exercises, high intensity, 4 sets of heavy weights, and 6 to 8 repetitions.
The muscles of the back shoulder and biceps will be worked out with a medium intensity of 3 sets and repetitions of 8 to 12 reps.
Traps will be trained at a lower intensity and more repetitions because the range of motion is very simple.
First day exercises
exercise calendar for beginners

Day 2: Cardio and abdominal exercises

First, the abdominal exercises
exercise calendar for beginners

The first exercise targets the entire abdomen and is one of the most powerful abdominal exercises
The second exercise for the upper abdomen
The third exercise for the lower abdomen
The fourth exercise for the sides

Secondly, cardio exercises

Cardio exercises depend on your primary goal and your body fat percentage.

20 minutes at medium intensity if your body fat percentage is low and you want to maintain this percentage.
30 minutes at a high intensity if your body fat percentage is high and you want to get rid of fat.
If you are confused about cardio exercises, read this article “How to Design a Proper Cardio Program” to determine the appropriate activity and how to do it.

Cardio and abdominal exercises do not have to be at the same time unless your main goal is to burn fat. If the percentage of fat in your body is low, you can exercise the abdomen in the middle of the day, and perform cardio exercises two hours before bed.

Day three: push-ups

Push-ups notes

The chest muscles will be trained with 3 compound exercises, high intensity, 4 sets of heavy weights, and 6 to 8 repetitions.
The front and side shoulder muscles and triceps will be exercised with a medium intensity of 3 sets and repetitions of 8 to 12 reps.
Third day exercises
exercise calendar for beginners

Fourth day: leg exercises

Man's Day Notes

The first two exercises to target the front leg muscles.
And the second two exercises to target the back muscles of the leg.
The last exercise targets the calf.
The calves will be exercised with more repetitions and a moderate exercise intensity, since the range of motion is short.
Note that the first exercise for the front and back leg muscles is 4 sets with heavy weights and a high exercise intensity “within a range of less than 8 repetitions.”
Fourth day exercises
exercise calendar for beginners


- Do not start on this schedule if you are a beginner. “This is an intermediate level exercise schedule.” First, make sure that your muscles are strong enough.
Continue this training program for at least two months before changing it, and you will notice an increase in muscle mass and strength.
- Basic muscle building standards were taken into account when preparing this program.
Do not neglect the number of sets and repetitions during training.
- The exercises in this table are among the best bodybuilding exercises ever, but you can change them, but with alternative exercises, for example, “You can use dumbbells instead of the bar in the bench press,” or change the lateral fluttering exercise with 
dumbbells to a cable exercise, “and so on.



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